作者:吉县站      更新时间:2023-4-13 12:31:59








Figure 1 Variation of the percentage bias of the empirical sensitivity to the theoretical value (δ) with vegetation types and soil water availability. (a) Violin diagrams show the distribution of δ for 165 ecosystems with various vegetation types. The hollow circle represents the median. The asterisk above the violins indicates the vegetation type in which there was a significant difference at the significance level of 0.05 between the empirical m/Gcref and the theoretical ratio. (b) Boxplots show δ for gymnosperm-dominated (dark green, N = 42) and angiosperm-dominated (green, N = 38) woody ecosystems. Notches approximate the 95% confidence interval for the median, and whiskers extend to the highest and lowest values within 1.5 times the interquartile range (IQR) of the upper and lower quartiles. The diamond in each box is the mean value. N is the number of sites in each classification. (c) Relationship between δ and mean soil water availability (i.e. α) in humid regions (δ = –0.017α – 0.014; R2 = 0.03) and arid regions (δ = –0.06 + 0.40e–3.99α; R2 = 0.95), respectively, for all study sites except croplands and wetlands. δ values were binned into 0.1 α increments. The error bar is the standard error in each bin.

Figure 2 Relationships between anomalies (z-score) of (a) growing season Gcref, (b) GPP/LAI, and (c) NEP during the drought year and the drought intensity (i.e. the absolute value of SPEI-12) for the hypersensitive (blue) and hyposensitive ecosystems (red) experiencing meteorological droughts, respectively. Each dot represented a drought year for a specific site. If an ecosystem experienced two or more drought years, the most severe one was chosen for the regression analysis; the rest were regarded as repeated measures shown by smaller circles but not included in the regressions.

Figure 3 (a-c) Relationships between δ and the ratio of growing season Gcref, GPP/LAI, and NEP of the year following a drought year to the multi-year means of non-drought periods for woody ecosystems experiencing droughts, respectively. (d-f) The mean values of the ratios for hypersensitive (Hyper, blue) and hyposensitive ecosystems (Hypo, red), with proportionately sensitive ecosystems for reference (Sensitive, gray). The error bar indicates the standard error. "*" and "**" above bars indicate the significance of the difference from unity at the level of 0.05 and 0.01, respectively.

Figure 4 Relationships between δ and (a) ecosystem resistance (Rt), (b) ecosystem recovery (Rc), as well as (c) their fitted regression lines for the woody ecosystems experiencing droughts. The range between the two dashed lines indicates the 95% confidence interval. Smaller circles represent repeated measures (i.e. drought years) for sites experiencing multiple drought years but were not included in the regression analyses.

本研究成果以“Hyposensitive canopy conductance renders ecosystems vulnerable to meteorological droughts”为题,于20231月在全球变化生态学领域顶级期刊Global Change BiologyIF=13.211)上在线发表,北京林业大学青年教师许行为第一作者,北京林业大学张志强教授和美国杜克大学Ram Oren教授为共同通讯作者。该研究得到了国家“十四五”重点研发计划(2022YFF1302501)和国家自然科学基金(31872711)的资助。


作者:许行   审核:张会兰   编辑:汪海娇

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